Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Not Your Average Mom Blog

This is not your average mom blog. I've seen a lot, and I mean a lot, of mom blogs which are very similar - stay at home mom, home-schools, has 4+ kids all 1-2 years apart, does their own gardening, canning, pasta making, bread-making, etc., goes to church and leads children in daily devotionals, and in all appearances, has it all together - you know, like the meek and mild 'perfect' women in the Bible. I applaud these women and in some ways I admire and envy them. But when it comes down to it, I know that that is them and this is me. So, like the popular rap song says, Umma do me.

I like pinterest because it's orderly and visual. And it's perfect that you have a place to find all that stuff you found on the internet before without doing a lot of searching. Sure, like most other moms in America, I pin stuff. But, I'm not a crafty person - you will rarely see me make something with my hands or DIY something out of thin air. I like to buy stuff already made. There, I said it. I know the crafty people will think I'm lazy and the green, eco people will think I'm wasteful. But, like my teenage step-children and niece, I say, "Whatever".
I pin a good amount of recipes and I've tried about 1/3 of them. I have a few criteria for recipes though: quick, easy, and few ingredients. I'll see something that looks delicious, click on it, and study the recipe - more than 10 steps, nope, more than 5-8 ingredients, nope, strange ingredients that I would have to search the entire grocery store ten times over to find, definitely not.

All this rambling is to say that this Mom Blog is different  - you won't find me waxing poetic about how beautiful and wonderful it is to birth five children, raise them, school them, and spend every waking moment with them.* You won't see long posts about how to DIY anything (probably not, I might surprise myself). If I post recipes, they will be quick, easy, and with few ingredients - it won't take you all day to make. We have no back yard - so no gardening tips or how to raise your own 'insert animal'. No house-cleaning tips. No organizational tips. No devotional guides (that is personal to me and my family). No diet or healthy eating tips (this is important to me but I'll probably not talk about this much at all). You get the picture.

This is just me, a real mom, sharing my real mom experiences.

There are only so many hours in a day and if me, my husband, and our baby are fed, watered, clean, dressed, and cared for, then I feel I've accomplished what I need to accomplish. Beyond that is 'extra' and then I feel like supermom.

And this mom has a baby waking up - so the day begins - and it begins so well because he has The Best Morning Smiles of Any Baby Ever!

*Don't get me wrong - that's perfectly fine and commendable. In addition, I love kids and I hope to have 1 more and possibly raise some foster children and/or host foreign exchange students.

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