Thursday, February 7, 2013

Being Informed is Inconvenient

I feel like mothers of previous generations had it a bit easier due to less information.

Before: Your kids want to play outside or go to the pool - simply send them out. 
Now: We know about the harmful effects of the sun, so it takes a bit longer to apply all the sunscreen before playing outside in the yard or at the pool. And if they're out for a long time, you have to reapply.

Before: Hungry kids wanting a snack - Kool-aid and a Little Debbie snack-cake - bada bing bada boom. Kids are happy. 
Now: You spend hours reading and researching healthy snacks, writing grocery lists, finding certain foods at the grocery story, preparing said healthy snacks, and convincing your kids to eat them. No bada, no bing, and no boom. 

Before: Your kids want to ride their bikes to the nearest Kwik-E-Mart (or other similar establishment). Sayonara. See ya later. Mom has a cup of coffee and a sit down for the next three hours.
Now: You know about the dangers lurking around every corner and are incredibly fearful of every stranger. You may have even gone on (or other similar site) and are even more terrified of the people in your neighborhood. You spend hours getting the kids ready, walking or riding bikes to said establishment, shopping, arguing about what snacks they can and can't get, buying those snacks, chatting with another mom from your playgroup, chasing your son who just ran out into the parking lot, listening to a man from your church drone on and on about his cousin's brother's wife's obnoxious teenager, taking your daughter to the restroom 3,000 times, and walking/riding back home. 

I'm starting the process of feeding my baby foods and it's arduous due to the research I've been doing. Sure, it could be easy, open a jar and feed the baby. But I want the absolute best diet for my child so I've been reading and researching, most particularly Super Nutrition for Babies: The Right Way to Feed Your Baby for Optimal Health and it's a lot to process and remember. I read and reread chapters, take notes, and make lists. I will not be able to find everything they recommend at my local grocery store; I'll have to do some searching around and collaborating with local farmers. I'll be spending time making food. On one hand it's a lot of time-consuming work; on the other hand, I'm really excited about it all. 

I'm also excited that other moms are doing the same thing as me - check out this blog and this blog.

1 comment:

  1. That book looks so good! I know what you mean about things being so much harder when you're informed about things.
